Bespoke commerce

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Delivering to millions daily is an essential service the public has depended on for centuries. For a European Postal Service company with over 11,500 branches with 170+ different products and services commerce is key.

Driven to always be there for customers, having to choose to either innovate or continue to operate should never be an option. The agency was saved from such a decision with Headless Commerce.

The challenge

Requiring a headless solution capable of integration with CMS tool, Magnolia, the European Postal Service,  saw quite a challenge. The option to undertake development or re-platform initiatives incrementally by using commerce as a service was crucial. 

In addition to Broadleaf’s Headless eCommerce solution, the company benefited from Multi-Store capabilities with all of the Omnichannel features Broadleaf has to offer, from buy online pickup in store (BOPIS) to order management processes fully integrated between the eShop and Point of Sale (POS).

Key challenges
  • Need to integrate with Magnolia CMS
  • Develop and re-platform incrementally
  • Flexible framework needed to mix with multiple technologies
The Broadleaf solution

Providing core functionality and a more modular-based platform, the European Postal Service leveraged a Broadleaf Commerce Headless solution. The framework seamlessly handles a diverse catalog, selling many different items, from stamps to collectibles. With full access to source code, developers had the ability to add or replace any custom entity or service.

In addition to Broadleaf’s Headless eCommerce solution, the company benefited from Multi-Store capabilities with all of the Omnichannel features Broadleaf has to offer, from buy online pickup in store (BOPIS) to order management processes fully integrated between the eShop and Point of Sale (POS).

How we solved it better
  • Broadleaf Headless Commerce Solution
  • Modular approach to re-platform
  • OMS, CMS, Search, Cart, and Checkout feature sets
Postage Stamps
The Business Impact

“We see many enterprise clients choosing a Headless solution in order to incrementally change their commerce platform.” stated Brad Buhl, CRO at Broadleaf Commerce. “The European Postal Service has taken their own best-of-breed approach with Broadleaf’s capabilities.”

Broadleaf’s Headless solution allowed for the company to re-platform on the desired timeline, without sacrificing the availability to serve customers. “Our modular approach made the decision to change only what was needed to change for a best of breed solution possible,” said Brad Buhl, CRO, at Broadleaf Commerce. “Innovation with the robust Broadleaf API layer allows growth into any channel or integrate to any future technology.”

New possibilities via Broadleaf
  • Revenue growth through platform SEO
  • Omnichannel integrated solution
  • Tightly coupled with Magnolia CMS

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